If you’ve been dragging your feet because you don’t think you have the time to get started with a better charting system, now is the time.
1. Win a MacBook Air!
It’s the device of choice for most of our providers, second to tablets, which can be handy and easier to clean after a birth. We are offering a drawing for all new sign-ups between December and March 1. All you need to do is commit to your subscription by the end of the promotion.
2. Help us usher in new features in 2017!
An article by well-respected health information technology expert John Lynn at emrandhippa.com highlights the value of getting involved with speciality electronic healthcare record (EHR) vendors because of their responsiveness to customer feedback. We couldn’t agree more and want to continually engage our new and existing customers. We are planning a feedback survey for the first of the year, the results of which will influence new feature prioritization. Come build technology with us!
3. Start with your new 2017 clients.
Starting with your 2017 clients will give you a handy way to transition into your EHR. Keep your clients who started with you in 2016 on paper (or in your old system) and be completely paperless within a few months. Many of our users have told us they have been happy to transition to electronic charting slowly (some even like to take a full 9 months for this baby!), using their existing paper system in their clinical encounters and getting used to the system before bringing a laptop, tablet or smartphone into their prenatals.
4. Beta test our new Patient Reported Outcomes Surveys (PROS).
Developed as part of our collaboration with the American Association of Birth Centers Strong Start for Mothers project, our survey delivery tool can offer your practice insights into patient experience. We are using a validated question bank, including questions from Listening to Mothers, Strong Start, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) and others to provide you with the opportunity to not only listen to your clients, but provide compelling data for advocacy and contracting with payers for value-based payments.
5. Free, one-on-one help as you get started.
As a software company founded and operated with a midwife on the team, we know firsthand that midwives are not the most tech-savvy providers on the planet. We honor the natural things in life, too, and feel very proud that our design keeps it simple so you don’t need a degree in computer engineering to access your charts!
We are ready to support you through the process and help you transition to a new (and better!) way of managing your charts. You can do it! Request a demo here or email info@maternityneighborhood.com to get started. Once you get started, you can contact us with unlimited silly questions. No laughing — we promise!